Logo Design Brief Template Logo Design Brief Template | Page 5

2.5 Your Marketing Activity & Materials Please describe what marketing activities you undertake at the moment and may undertake in the future (e.g. newspaper, magazines, TV, etc.). In addition, what marketing and promotional materials do you currently use or may use in the future (e.g. brochures, web site, social media, promotional merchandise. etc.)? Giving as much detail as possible will enable us to ensure that your new logo will work in all of the different formats that you use. 2.6 Stationery What stationery do you use at the moment and are likely to use in the future (e.g. letterhead, compliment slips, invoices, business cards, etc.)? © Copyright BlueIce Brands 2015, All Rights Reserved T: 0141 356 2242 W: www.blueicebrands.co.uk E: [email protected]