Logo Design Brief Template Logo Design Brief Template | Page 4

2.3 Target Market(s) Describe your primary target market(s) in as much detail as possible. This may be the business sector, the consumer sector or both. It may be local, regional, national or international. Please note that your future market may be different from your existing market so be sure to distinguish between the two. 2.4 Your Ideal Customers Please describe what your ideal customers ‘look like’. If your customers are other businesses, consider things like what size are they, number of staff, turnover, etc. If they are consumers, consider things like age, income, marital status, etc. Be as specific as possible so that we can gain an understanding of the target audience that the new logo is to appeal to. © Copyright BlueIce Brands 2015, All Rights Reserved T: 0141 356 2242 W: www.blueicebrands.co.uk E: [email protected]