LogiGear Newsletter Issue 11 July 2013 | Page 9

leader in the software testing space , on June 20 , Michael Hackett hosted a webinar on the topic of technical debt .
When a team decides to " deal with it later ," this is technical debt . Any work we put off or postpone will come due , with interest . As more teams become Agile , there is a trend emerging of increasing and often unmanageable technical debt .
Technical debt is inevitable but needs to be communicated , managed , and serviced . Michael told participants what testers and test teams must know to be aware of their own sources of technical debt and avoid accruing more .
Talk Show : ― IT Career Orientation ‖ for students at Passerelles Numériques
At the end of May , members of LogiGear Da Nang were invited to speak at the talk show
Student at Duy Tan University Job Fair
― IT Career Orientation ‖ for students of Passerelles numériques Vietnam , a French NGO . The organization funds and organizes programs for poor students who have a passion for IT but lack opportunities since they live in the countryside .
The program , which focuses on software development and network administration over 2 years , aims to provide students with the right tools in order to find good jobs after graduating .
During the program , LogiGear introduced the students to software testing , while Unitech presented information about software development and network administration . There were about 60 people in attendance , including sponsors , lecturers and students .
The annual course enrolls students from March to August at Da Nang University ‗ s Training Center . Each class contains around
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