Halliburton Audit Team Visits LogiGear Vietnam
LogiGear have been working with Halliburton / Landmark since 2008 . We ‘ ve been doing great work for our client and have enjoyed great success . Near the end of June , we were visited by the Landmark Audit team at LogiGear Tower , Saigon . The purpose of their visit was to ensure that we are following Halliburton / Landmark ‘ s security guidelines and verify that LogiGear ‘ s security measures meets Halliburton / Landmarks ‘ needs .
Halliburton Experiences Saigon on Motorbike - LogiGear ’ s Vi Tran ( Left ) Halliburton ' s Yuen Fusselman ( Right )
suggested fixes and upgrades , which is common and expected for any audits , they were very impressed with how quickly and efficiently we were able to turn around and remedy areas they ‘ ve identified .
Through this process , we ‘ ve learned a lot about Halliburton / Landmark ‘ s expectations and we ‘ ve learned a lot about ourselves . We will be taking lessons we ‘ ve learned from this and will be making changes to improve our security and services across the board for all of LogiGear .
For this audit , we had the luxury of having Sivapriya Ramachandran , our Director of Global Engineering Services , here in Vietnam to lead the hosting efforts for the auditors . With fantastic support from anh Long Vuong and the HR team , Hieu Pham and the Halliburton / Landmark team and also our IT team , we were able to make it through the audit with our heads held high . Although the audit team did leave some feedbacks and
Thank you to Sivapriya Ramachandran , Long Vuong , Hieu Pham , Vu Nguyen , the HR team , the Halliburton / Landmark team , the IT team and all of you for contributing to LogiGear ‘ s success .
Michael Hackett Hosts Technical Debt Webinar
Showcasing LogiGear ‘ s position as a thought-
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