Basket Delivery
It represents baskets paid in advance or not , where the content might be chosen . Deliveries happen within companies or administration if a certain number of consumers are ready to consume .
Update in Strasbourg
In Strasbourg , we have around 20 CSAs , 10 markets , 30 basket deliveries , and 5 hives . However , there is still room for others types of distribution : organic food producers don ’ t have enough perspectives . Finally , OPABA ( professional organization of organic food farmers ) is aiming at promoting organic food and helping farmers with administrative procedure and their projects .
Why becoming an EPG member ?
There are many reasons of becoming an EPG member : to reduce products cost , while guaranteeing a fair income to producers , to keep the territory a living place , to be in a united and collective responsible consumption approach , and to have a desire of being part of a project .
For producers , the reasons for proposing their products in farm-to-table channels address many concerns :
Economic concerns :
� Guarantee a more affordable price for the consumer and a fairer payment for producers
� Be visible , known
� Make products more attractive
� Enliven the territory