Local Mapping of EPGs EN Business Diary EN | Page 18

‣ Developing an Effective Marketing Plan
An effective marketing plan will help the social start up to : 1 . attract many new and repeat customers 2 . retainexisting customers and encourage them to buy more from you on a regular basis 3 . think about the sustainability of the social start up
The key to marketing a social enterprise successfully in a given environment , is to implement a plan with one or more of the following strategies :
� Attracting more customers .
� Retaining customers .
� Increasing the average sale amount .
� Increasing the customers ‟ quantities purchased and their frequency .
To make the marketing plan effective , keep it factual , clear and concise so that all participantscan operationalise it well .
1 . Elevator pitch : short and to the point ! This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attract customers / clients / investors / partners through a snappy 1 minute maximum pitch about what your social start up does . Write the agreed elevator pitch here as you will need to memorize it and use it when speaking to all stakeholders :