Local Mapping of EPGs EN Business Diary EN | Page 17

You will need to ensure that the logo will look good in both colour and black and white , and that it can be easily be resized .
3 . Values , Vision , and Mission : Combined together , the values , vision , and mission drive the social start up and its operations . These must be agreed by all participants now and then clearly communicated to all stakeholders through the marketing and operations .
Draft here the values , vision and mission for the Social Start Up
Values : underpin the social start up and guide its behaviour . These values should be made explicit in the start up ‟ s mission .
Vision : this is what the social start up strives to achieve . It ‟ s about your dream of where you want to be in the future . The vision drives and guides the social start up by describing what it must achieve to be successful .
Mission : in one or two sentences , the mission clearly communicates the values , purpose and service of the social start up . It is an precise statement of how the vision will be achieved .