Local Mapping of EPGs EN Business Diary EN | Page 16

SWOT : The SWOT analysis will enable you to identify the internal and external strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats that impact on the social start up . By identifying these , you can account for them in your social start up planning strategy and implementation .
SWOT Analysis
Beneficial to the Start Up Damaging to the Start Up



‣ Social Start Up Identity
1 . Social Start Up Name :
The name you choose should be : � Brief and catchy � Creative and new � Easy to remember � Easy to pronounce � Legal � National / international � The „. com ‟, twitter handle and Facebook page should all be available for it � Timeless instead of trendy � Unambiguous on Google
2 . Logo : as with the name , the logo will remain with the social start up possibly forever ! Therefore , it needs to memorably and effectively visually represent the social start up itself , as reflected in the chosen name , its mission , its idea , and its vision of the future .