Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 6

Color Pallet – Okay, first, let’s choose the right colors. Wear colors that accentuate your skin tone. There is a methodology to wearing the right colors based on your skin tone and hair color. Have you ever seen celebrities who always seem to have the right colors on while strolling the red carpet? Believe me, they have numerous image consultants and fashion designers helping them achieve a certain look. But you don’t need to pay thousands of dollars to get a great look. First, you’ll need to identify whether your skin has a warm or cool based skin tone. People with cool based skin tones have an alabaster white or have a darker skin complexion. They look good in the cool end of the spectrum of colors such as cobalt blue or pure white. Celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Iman would be examples of people with cool based skin tones. If you have a warm based skin tone, you have a beige, golden brown, or peachy type of skin color. Celebrities like Tyra Banks and Beyonce would have this type of skin tone. People with warm based skin tones look good in the warm based spectrum of colors such as mango orange or even teal blue. And guys, since I know your staple of colors consists of black, blue, grey and brown, don’t be afraid of a little red or even pink (yikes!) to spice up your wardrobe! Just keep it manly, okay fellas?

Style of Fashion – Ladies, think about your favorite celebrities past and present. What is it about their style that you love? Maybe you like the seductive style of Marilyn Monroe in her infamous white dress. Maybe you are an Audrey Hepburn fan with her style of classic elegance. Or maybe you like the more edgy style of the R&B singer Rhianna. Try to pick a celebrity style you like, emulate it with your own sense of uniqueness, and apply it to your lifestyle accordingly. This will help you to hone in on your own style and give you an idea of the clothing attire that makes you feel good about yourself. By the way, you can mix and match styles depending on how you feel as long as you have a sense of your own style in mind.