Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 5

Hair - Let’s move on to your hair! Now, if you’re like many people, you’ve had the same hairstyle since 1987. It’s your favorite hairstyle and you’re sticking to it! Well, at least allow me to make a few suggestions. You are trying to win that second date right? The first thing to remember in your chosen hairstyle is whether it is appropriate for your facial structure. There are generally 4 types of facial structures including rounded, square, oval and triangle. There’s more of them but you get the point! You’ll want to ensure that your hairstyle complements your facial shape to give you the best possible look. Secondly, you’ll want to check your hairline, especially men. If your hair is receding or thinning, there may be certain hairstyles that will not be suited for you. Otherwise, choose a hairstyle that is current or at least a classic style that you can wear daily.

One final thought on skin and hair. Fellas, I did not cover facial grooming but please don’t go on the date looking like a “shaggy dog”. Invest in great facial grooming products that will leave you with a smoother shave on your skin. And ladies, if you haven’t had your hair trimmed in ages, it may be time to see the hairdresser. Having your hair neat and trimmed will give you more of a polished look and make the hairstyle that you wear lasts a lot longer.

Finally, let’s move on to fashion for your complete look.