Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 4

Dress for success on dates!

First impressions are made within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone, why not ensure you make the best possible one?

Today’s singles are savvy, sophisticated and expect nothing but the best from their partners. That’s great because it pushes us to look our best to make a good first impression. Unfortunately, that means we can’t just rely on our personality alone to impress our partners. We have to put a little more effort into our appearance in order to get that coveted second date. I’ve laid out a few simple tips and guidance below for both men and women that should give you a good start to wow that special someone. So let’s get to it.

Skin - Okay, let’s talk about caring for the one part of the body people see first – your face! A proper skin routine consists of 1) exfoliating, 2) cleansing, and 3) moisturizing the skin. Exfoliating the skin which consists of a cleansing scrub helps to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Next, you’ll want to wash the skin to completely remove any leftover debris on your skin. Then, moisturize the skin to nourish it with ingredients that give it a smooth and silky texture. There are some really good facial products for men and women on the market. Having a great skin routine will ensure your skin will always be looking like a million dollars!