Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 7

And fellas, you may also want to find a celebrity whose style you identify with such as George Clooney and try to emulate it adding your own uniqueness to it. Always get a good fit in your clothes whether it be a fitted Polo shirt or fitted Dockers. And don’t forget your shoes! They need love too! Fellas, if you’ve been wearing the same run down loafers for years, it may be time to upgrade your wardrobe shoe collection. Change can sometimes be a good thing! Wearing great stylish shoes adds to your total look and diminishes the effect of the look when your shoes are in poor condition.

Well, now we’re ready to go on that date. When we look good, we feel good. We tend to make a great first impression simply by putting the time and effort into looking good for our dates. Remember, first impressions are made within the first 4 – 15 seconds of meeting someone so you want to make the best possible impression. Of course, it’s not just about the outer beauty but also the inner beauty as well. Once we can master the image we want to project to others and develop ourselves internally, we can then find the success we are looking for on dates. And hey, if you don’t get a second date with that special someone, I’m sure they’ll be another person to come along shortly.

Good Luck!

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