Jo is a twenty-two year old History & Journalism university student and blogger from Cambridge, UK.
Jo is the owner of Book Lovers Blog where she shares her opinions about what she's reading and hopes to help book lovers discover new books.
LIT LOVERS: Hi Jo! Thank you so much for letting us pick your brain and discover more about book blogging. What made you decide to become a book blogger in the first place?
JO: I am a journalism student, and when researching how to get into the industry, starting a blog was one of the pieces of advice given most often. I've always loved reading, so a book blog seemed like the most natural fit. Four years later, it's become a massive part of my life!
LIT LOVERS: Four years of blogging must have come with it's own obstacles and accomplishments. What has been your biggest obstacle since becoming a blogger? What has been your biggest accomplishment?
JO: Definitely time management! I am a full time Uni student, and when I started my blog, I was in sixth form, doing my A-Levels, so I've basically had to balance blogging alongside studying, which is not always the easiest thing to do, especially when you have back to back deadlines.
Biggest accomplishment? I feel like the fact that I'm still doing this four years later is quite the on its own, it's taken a lot of time and hard work to grow my blog and I'm really proud of how far it's come.
LIT LOVERS: It is quite the accomplishment to come this far! Congratulations on four years of blogging and we wish you many more! So with all the books you've read what author have you read the most books from?
JO: According to my Goodreads, that would be Lauren Brooke. I love horses and I devoured the Heartland books when I was younger (of which there were a lot) and then her Chestnut Hill series, so yeah, read a lot from her. More recently, Jodi Picoult and Rick Riordan, I love their books and they have a lot of them!
LIT LOVERS: Is there a drink you prefer to have on hand when you're reading?
JO: I actually don't drink whilst reading! I don't love having liquid near my books because I worry about spilling!
LIT LOVERS: Is there a book you have read multiple times? If so, what book?
JO: Yup, I've read lots of books multiple times! Harry Potter is probably the series I come back to over and over again, I grew up with it, and it's the series that really made me a reader so it will always have a special place in my heart.
LIT LOVERS: What would be your advice to new bloggers?
JO: I did a more detailed advice post on this topic on my blog last year, but I feel like my biggest tip, is just do what feels right for you. There are so many posts out there about things you "should" do as a blogger, but no one way works for everyone, you just need to find what works best for you and stick with that, and if you love your blog and that comes through, then other people will too.