Note from the Editor “Years from now, when the faded ribbons are packed into boxes, and the trophies are dusty on the shelves, you will pick up the memories, hold them close, and realize they are what really mattered.” Whatever your outcome was at the 2019 National Junior Limousin Show & Congress, the friendships made will be the memories that last a lifetime. I remember the long hours in the barns, hard earned money spent on feed and the tears (and laughs) of trying to earn that purple ribbon when the summer fair season came around. I remember the disappointment when I walked out of the ring without even placing. I remember wondering if all the time, money and tears were worth it just to place last in a class. But I also remember walking out of that ring with my family and friends standing there telling me how proud they were of what I had accomplished. What had I accomplished? Statistics My years in the show ring did not teach me to win; they taught me leadership skills, hard work and that life is not all about “being the best,” but about being a better person through the good and the bad. LIMOUSIN TODAY 3K digital views/issue 2K mailings/glossy issue 20K mailings/tabloid issue LIMOUSIN Digital 5K email subscribers 18.5K pageviews/month 7K banner ad views/month 6K avg plays of commercial I admire my parents for all they did for me, not so I could just “show,” but so that I could learn important life lessons through showing. As I sat and watched the National Junior Limousin Show & Congress, I was taken back to my show days. I remember what I was taught and loved seeing so many young people work hard to present some of the best Limousin cattle I have seen in the show ring. I saw families come together and make some great memories that week. Remember, the memories and life lessons made are worth far more than that banner you received, or you were hoping for. It was my honor to document all these accomplishments and memories. If you would like any specific photo or write-up, contact me. The North American Limousin Foundation also offers free ad design, so don’t forget to show off your favorite juniors and cattle! LIMOUSIN Today 6205 S Main Street Suite D-280 Aurora, CO 80016-5370 P: 303-220-1693 F: 303-220-1884 [email protected] Sincerely, Managing Editor: Mallory Blunier Ad Designer: Kelsey Steinkraus, KC Designs NALF director of PR & media Ad Sales: Andy Rest and Mallory Blunier LIMOUSIN Today | 7