President’s Message Thank You for a Successful Junior Nationals By Gary Fuchs, NALF president Summer should be winding down for most of us as you get this issue of LIMOUSIN TODAY. I hope the summer was beneficial to each of you. Many of our Limousin family gathered in Springfield, Missouri during the week of July 4 for the National Junior Limousin Show and the All-American Limousin Futurity. Included in this issue of LIMOUSIN TODAY, we recognize the accomplishments of those that participated in the various events of that week. I want to extend my thanks to each of the participants and congratulations to each of the winners. I also want to extend my sincere thanks to each of the volunteers and donors that made the week a success. I especially want to thank the members of the Pinegar Limousin family for their support and organization in the various ways they were engaged. Simple words cannot fully express my thanks but in this writing, what I have is a sincere THANK YOU. Your Board of Directors will have met August 22-23 in Denver. A report on that meeting will come to you in future issues and on our website. Now we move to the fall. For some of us there is a new calving season with new breeding decisions. Others work with weaning and processing the spring calf crop and crop harvest. 8 | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2019 I hope that all goes well in whichever activity your organization is involved with this fall. I also want to encourage each of you as breeders to get your cattle registered and data recorded. The more information that we receive from you as breeders the better service your organization can provide. Good luck to all. LT