g n i t u b i Contr Writers Bruce Derksen has worked in Western Canada’s ranching and feedlot industry for over 30 years. He and his wife now live in Central Alberta where he works at a nearby chemical plant. In his spare time, he writes about present day agriculture related topics, hoping to give today’s producers as much up to date information about the future of the industry as possible. Caitlin Richards is a writer, farmer’s wife and mom living in West Texas. As a graduate of Texas A&M University with a degree in agricultural communications and journalism, she uses her passion for storytelling and building relationships to tell the stories of the hardworking individuals and families in agriculture. Amanda Radke is an agricultural writer, speaker and author of children’s books, “Levi’s Lost Calf” and “Can-Do Cowkids.” She raises Limousin cattle on her family’s operation, Nolz Limousin, in Mitchell, S.D. Amanda can be reached at Recognizing the present and ever-changing environment of the beef industry, the North American Limousin Foundation acknowledges LIMOUSIN Today as its official publication. This publication is focused on commercial producers to convey the message of the Limousin breed and NALF members to buyers and stakeholders of the beef industry. Limousin Today - Profit Tomorrow. LIMOUSIN Today (ISSN-8750-2127) is Lindsey Gulotta is the 2019-2020 NALJA president from Independence, La., and daughter of Troy and Linda Gulotta. Lindsey intends to continue her involvement with the cattle industry and the Limousin breed as she furthers her education at Louisiana State University. Tristan Gulotta , Independence, La., the son of Troy and Linda Gulotta, continues his second year on the NALJA Board. He will be starting his first year of college at Southeastern Louisiana University majoring in physics. Advancing Livestock Media Professionals 6 | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2019 published bi-monthly, except February and March, by the North American Limousin Foundation, 6205 S Main Street Suite D-280, Aurora, CO 80016-5370. Periodical postage paid at Englewood, CO, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rates for one, two and three years are $30, $40 and $52. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the LIMOUSIN Today, 6205 S Main Street Suite D-280, Aurora, CO 80016-5370