Beef Improvement Federation Wulf Presented BIF Pioneer Award The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) presented Jerry Wulf, Morris, Minnesota, the BIF Pioneer Award June 20 during the group’s annual meeting and symposium in Brookings, South Dakota. The award recognizes individuals who have made lasting contributions to the improvement of beef cattle, honoring those who have had a major role in acceptance of performance reporting and documentation as the primary means to make genetic change in beef cattle. In business for more than 60 years, the Wulf operation spans across Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska, and is partners with Riverview LLP, a dairy enterprise. Wulf Cattle manages 2,000 registered Limousin and Lim- Flex females, finishes 100,000 head of fed cattle annually; and has a 12,000-head grass stocker operation in western South Dakota. The operation ranks in National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Top 25 Seedstock Producers. Jerry Wulf (center), Morris, Minnesota, receives the Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award. Pictured with Wulf are Joe Epperly (left), Wagonhammer Ranches, Albion, Nebraska, and BIF board member; and Lee Leachman (right) 2018-2019 BIF president. Wulf was honored June 20 at the organization’s 51st annual convention in Brookings, South Dakota. 20 | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2019 “Jerry is an industry icon, a visionary and a leader,” says Joe Epperly, Wagonhammer Ranches, Albion, Nebraska. “He has taken every goal of the Beef Improvement Federation in objective selection and made it a practical reality. For more than 50 years, he has been on the cutting edge of the beef industry, and I can think of no one more deserving of the term pioneer than him.” An industry leader in the development of expected progeny differences (EPDs) and indexes, Wulf has contributed a tremendous amount of data toward the development of the first docility EPD in the beef industry at the North American Limousin Foundation. They were