Beef Improvement Federation some of the first to collect large quantities of feed efficiency data and worked closely with staff at NALF to produce an across- breed feed efficiency index for in-house selection and customer information. “Jerry was a driver behind increasing use of genomics in selection and collected thousands of samples from the earliest days of genomics until today,” Epperly says. “He worked with his brother, Duane, to produce three proprietary indexes for their customers: First Calf Heifers, Mainstream Terminal Sires, Mainstream Markets Keeping Replacements, which they continue to update and publish annually.” More than 500 beef producers, academia and industry representatives attended the organization’s 51st annual convention. BIF’s mission is to help improve the industry by promoting greater acceptance of beef cattle performance evaluation. LT The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) is an organization dedicated to coordinating all segments of the beef industry — from researchers and producers to retailers — in an effort to improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of beef production. The organization was initiated almost 70 years ago to encourage the use of objective measurements to evaluate beef cattle. Continuing the tradition, BIF is now the clearinghouse for developing standardized programs and methodologies for recording of performance data for all traits, from birth weights to carcass traits. Its three-leaf-clover logo symbolizes the link between industry, extension and research. Jerry Wulf, Morris, Minnesota, received the Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award. Family members pictured (from left) are Travis and Rita Moser; Linda and Jerry Wulf; Robyn and son Blaze Metzger; and Rhonda Wulf. LIMOUSIN Today | 21