links in a chain. By making
one choice, many other
factors came into play.
For example, they concluded
that an operator with the
ultimate goal of increasing
the number of pounds
weaned per cow could begin
by investing in better quality
breeding stock. This superior
stock would deliver increased
reproductive rates leading to
higher calving percentages.
The result would automatically
lower the cost per unit and
increase overall production
spawning the desired pounds
and ultimately higher profits.
By the single investment in
premium breeding stock,
numerous boxes were checked.
Another example was a
producer choosing to improve
their operation’s genetics. This
vague goal could deliver desired
cow frame size, enhanced
growth, higher weight gains
and efficient feed conversion
benefits. Another tangent
could provide desired docility,
stronger maternal instincts,
improved health plus color and
appeal for potential buyers.
Just like the links of a chain,
choices are connected, but it
isn’t magic. A wish to obtain
desired choices without the
corresponding actions is just a
futile wish. None of these pieces
of chain can deliver on their
own without intervention.
12 | MAY 2019
In the example of producers
purchasing superior breeding
stock, reproductive rates and
higher calving percentages will
not be realized without proper
feed supplies and attention
during calving season. The
resulting calf crop won’t deliver
more weight per cow if health
is ignored and the necessities
of life are not offered at optimal
levels. Instead of higher profits,
there will be larger veterinarian
bills, increased death losses
and reduced financial results.
Effective specific management
has a synergistic effect when
physical, mental and financial
investments are made regarding
production and efficiency.
The bright spot is there is no
shortage of chains and links that
will materialize if the proper
management skills are put in
place. Maybe it’s good to take
some guidance from the cat
who had a specific result in
mind and the process to make
it happen. Producers don’t
need to assume the role of the
fox and dissect a massive list
of possibilities, fretting that
they will miss the important or
fashionable ones, but simply
begin by selecting areas where
they consider upgrades to be
needed. With the proper effort
and discipline, these selections
will be manifested with all the
positive links of the chains
that come with them. I