Performance Line
Data Counts
By Tonya Amen, National Center for Beef Excellence
In August of 2018, NALF
migrated to the much-awaited
BOLT-powered National Cattle
Evaluation with our partners at
International Genetic Solutions
(IGS). With that release, new
EPDs are now are available on
a weekly basis, making use of
any new performance, pedigree,
or genomic information
that has been accumulated
since the previous week. All
pedigree, performance and
genomic information is used
simultaneously (Figure 1), and
genomic profile results not only
impact the animals tested, but
also relatives up and down the
pedigree. Any performance
data submitted, or genomic
results received by Sunday night
will be reflected in the EPDs
released the following week
(usually sometime on Sunday).
Each component contributing
to EPDs is valuable, so I’d like
to give you an idea of how
you’re doing as a breed from
the standpoint of collection
and submitted performance
data and genotyping animals.
While genomics may get a lot
of the spotlight, it’s important
to remember the foundation
of a good genetic evaluation
is based on ACCUARTE
recording and submission
of performance data.
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