Links in a Chain
By Bruce Derksen
Without much forethought, I
decided to list a few production
measures. To demonstrate the
immense amount of choices a
producer could be faced with to
build “herd management,” here
is what I quickly jotted down.
Genetic improvement, cow
size, growth and efficiency,
software and record keeping,
enhancing finishing weights,
increasing weaning weights,
docility, feed conversion, color,
frame size, depth, thickness,
Now, a farmer or rancher
overall appeal, personal growth,
should not be limited to only
resource management, fertility,
one choice like the cat, but
maternal instincts, expanding
the worst-case scenario would
or decreasing operation size,
be if they are overcome with
commercial, pure-bred or flex,
analysis paralysis and decide to
infrastructure, equipment,
just ignore the entire situation.
health care, feed quality,
Who could blame them?
Just like the links of a chain,
and pest control,
natural or A.I., shift
choices are connected,
of breeding and
but it isn’t magic. A wish
calving seasons,
to obtain desired choices
direct marketing,
without the corresponding
video sales, ranch
actions is just a futile wish.
sales, bio-security,
husbandry and
A 2005 article published by
animal handling practices,
the Journal of Agriculture
carcass yield, carcass grade,
and Applied Economics and
body conditioning, nutrition,
gathered from Standardized
reproduction, and conception
Performance Analysis data
rates. If you are still with me, I
in Texas, Oklahoma and
apologize, but even this is by
New Mexico sheds some
no means a complete list.
light on this predicament.
I am reminded of the old fable
Their research attempted to
of the fox and the cat who
determine economic and
were discussing the amount of
practical factors that affected
choices they had to escape their
cow herd costs, production
hunters. The cat claimed one
and profitability. Much like the
choice while the fox bragged
question of herd management.
of having many. When the
Many of their conclusions
hunters arrived, the cat quickly
and results pointed out that
climbed a tree to safety, but
so-called herd management
the fox was so busy analyzing
processes do not operate
all his possible actions, he
in isolation. The research
was captured by the dogs.
deduced that these measures
were interconnected like
When farmers and ranchers
discuss herd management at
training seminars or over a
cup of coffee at the local diner,
there is often a glazed look
on many of the faces as they
nod robotically in hypothetical
agreement with the speaker.
Herd management has become
a fancy all-encompassing term
that by its sheer size can suck
the air from any room. As is
often discussed, it is important
to create established and
focused goals in an operation
but once they are in place, how
does herd management come
into play to help make them
reality? What are the practices
and work processes required
to realize such goals? And
should an operation choose a
singular management practice
or multiples from across the
board to go to battle with?
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