teach at Camberley, then moved to Guildford Ad Ed. By then I had a job working for a casting studio. In those days, I made as much from teaching three adult education sessions as I did from 4 days at the casting studio!
But the casting studio was fun. We worked in resin, mainly making mannequins and working on projects for shop windows for some of the big retailers like Selfridges. I’ve made everything from Rodin’s Thinker for a watch display, through to 5-bar gates for sheep to jump over in a Bo Peep scene, to a large angel which we put on top of the
Liverbird building in Liverpool. We were all worried about that one. The winds up there!”
A varied job to say the least!
“We had some great skills in the company. One guy was really good at applying colour so I learned a lot from him which I would later use in my own patination.
When I moved to Guildford, I started to teach in Guildford Adult Education until the materials I was used to teaching with became too much of a H&S issue for the college. The course still runs, with Mark Swan now teaching using Jesmonite as opposed to resin.”
Peak Peke Peek
by Miranda Barber
Feeling Sheepish
by Miranda Barber