LifeGrid Magazine October 2017 | Page 47

I want to take you to a country and the work of a man who showed just what a powerful force gra- ti-tude really is. His name was Dr. Masaru Emoto and the country is Japan. He was a Doctor of Alter-native Medicine, a researcher, author and entrepreneur who was in search of the power of the ener-gy of our thoughts and the evidence of what they create. I am honoured to have attended a lecture by the great man. Dr. Emoto knew about micro clusters and he studied the structure of water, most especially the crys-tals of frozen water. Please note at this point that your body is made up of over 80% of water. He took flasks of water and experimented with directing different qualities of thoughts at them. He then froze the water and studied the structure of the water crystals which formed. What he discov- ered was astonishing. In one of the experiments, Dr. Emoto directed the thoughts ‘thank you’ at a flask of water and when he looked at the water crystals, he saw something similar to the small image. Beautiful, symmetrical structures giving a feeling of balance and growth. Then he directed the thought ‘you are stupid’ at another flask of water and when he looked at the water crystals that had formed, and he saw something similar to the top left image: A destroyed and devastated mess with no definition and no symmetry. What a difference one single thought makes! So the power of gratitude is real. Consciousness has measurable effects on the structure of water crystals. The more you feel gratitude, the more the water in your body transforms into a healthy, co-herent life-giving force. Your words hold both inner and outer power in the world. Your Inner Power. Your inner power comes from the words that you speak to yourself in your mind. The pictures of the water crystals tell the story of what you are creating within you. If you bathe your cells in negative commentary about yourself, others and the world; your system will reflect it internally as unhappi-ness, dissatisfaction and possibly even physical conditions. If you focus on using words of positive power about everything that you experience, your whole body transforms on the cellular level and you benefit in profound ways. Your Outer Power. Your outer power comes from the fact that energy has a vibrational frequency and each thought that you have will be broadcast like radio waves into the world. The saying 'what goes around comes around' is ancient wisdom. The frequency of thoughts you send out is the same frequency of what you attract in. You will get what you expect. So no matter where you are in the world, let us use the energy of gratitude to unlock the real power of intention The Gratitude Space. Take a quiet moment now, as you are reading my article and either bring to mind or write down: A list of your achievements this year, what skills you have developed, who you have helped and give thanks to yourself. Who has helped you, inspired you, challenged you, broad- ened your horizons this year, and give thanks. Who this year has shown you unconditional love, respect, understanding, given you time, shown you your value, and give thanks. What opportunities for growth you have attracted this year and give thanks. Then take the energy of all of that gratitude and feel it swell your heart with a warm, loving energy. Breathe that energy in and feel your cells being bathed in it. Then focus that wonderful energy and with a thought, send it out into the world. Like the ripples of a pebble dropped into water, your thought will beneficially influence everything and everyone, everywhere and return to you in unex-pected and delightful ways. LifeGrid® UK Business Manager - Dorset County