LifeGrid Magazine October 2017 | Page 46

How With One Word You Can Change The World . by Ildiko Scurr

( Words Unlock Your Power )
The year has turned again to the time when nature is preparing to go into hibernation . It has lived in glorious , abundant vibrancy . It has given its all to make hay while the sun shone during the long days of summer in the Western hemisphere . This is a great time for us as humans also to take some time and review what we have achieved during this year . Many have found it a real struggle to keep their heads above the water . Many have suffered loss , deprivation , disaster and terrible grief . Many have lost their faith , their direction and their hope . When we are faced with tough situations , where our se-curity is challenged it is only natural to feel insecure and worried about the future .

OCT 2017

So how do we end this year in a way that ushers in more of what we want to see in the world and in our own lives ? How do we turn around feelings of despondency and fear ? The answer is to change our focus from the material world , to the energetic realm . Everything is ulti-mately made of waves of energy . It is easy to forget this and feel that things are finite , destined ; a forgone conclusion . But the reality is that when we shift the lens , we see that energy is fluid , ever changing and infinite . Matter is made of energy and therefore this holds true for the whole of our ma-terial world .
So the question is , how can we harness the incredible potential of this fluidity ? There is a wonderful opportunity , and it is here , right now … it is called gratitude . facebook . com / lifegriddorset