suffered enough to get it: money can only be achieved
working hard," they think. Others simply squander it
because they don’t see any value in it. "It’s just papers"
they say. And there are many more attitudes regarding
money a person can have. Which is yours? Think about it
now. Where did you learn this attitude? Who taught it to
you? How do your ideas about money affect your life
Many associate me only with money. Yes, I understand.
I'm not offended. Money isn’t bad. But let's go one step
further today. Abundance isn’t an objective. I cannot and
should not be one. I’m one aspect of your life and your
being which you disconnected from. I'm like a magic
trick: you don’t see me, you look for me and can’t explain
how to find me, but I've always been here. I’m scattered
everywhere and no one sees me. Untrue. Some do see
me, but in a limited way. What, you don’t believe I'm
everywhere? Start listing all of the things, people and
qualities that you have. Now that you’ve thought about it
more, you have plenty, no? Why then do you focus so
much on the things that, according to you, you don’t have
and that you’re missing in order to be happy?
Then do you continue seeing me, Abundance, as some-
thing distant and unattainable? I’m nothing more than a
matter of perception. Expand your perception and begin
to notice. Elevate the idea that wealth is only economic
wealth. Abundance has to do with all those wonders that
make up your life. Recognize them for what they truly are.
You are abundant even in the experiences you have each
day. You are rich! Stop seeing yourself as poor. Stop
seeing yourself as a person lacking something. Connect
with your blessings and I, Abundance, will begin to play
a new role in your life. Be grateful. Never get tired of
giving being grateful, both for the good and for what you
see as bad. All are experiences, nothing more. Some
easier than others. Each one with its own value.
I’m with you always. Don’t look for me outside. Don’t
make me a goal. Make me a way of life. Recognize me
in your life each day. I'm there, connecting with you and
multiplying. If you think about your alleged shortcomings,
I have no choice but to multiply them. When you focus on
your fears, I can only help you increase them. I answer to
you. You are a creator. It is time to take responsibility for
what you are creating for yourself and be aware of it. I
say it again: you decide. Your life depends on what you
decide it’s going to be.
There’s riches within you. Find them. You must recognize
yourself as the powerful, formidable, beautiful and abun-
dant Being that you are. And so you can also start recog-
nizing the value and beauty of those around you.
Live in Abundance. Be Abundance. Allow richness to
emanate from within you, thus transforming the world
around you and noticing, perhaps for the first time, the
wealth manifested in the exterior.