LifeGrid Magazine March 2017 | Page 32




“ Finding Your Voice ”


NLESS WE ACTIVELY SEEK OUT alone time , communication is paramount to getting pretty much anything done and having happy relationships .
Communication is after all , how we connect with others . We can connect
in many different ways and at different levels but it is communicating with others effectively , that makes us flourish or failing to do so , flop .
About a decade ago , part of my story was losing my voice . Not in a complete non-communicative way but certainly in a back-teeth clamped together , feeling numb , overwhelmed and ‘ can ’ t get the words out ’ way . It became a shut-down place of not being able to put words on thoughts , fears and emotions that were running amuck .
That story is long over through years of personal growth and change . Today , my work as an empowerment coach is often helping my clients express what they need to , but haven ’ t been able to . We ’ ve many voices in our heads ( others opinions , conditioning from family and upbringing , society , roles that we adopt etc ) and it can take quiet a bit of work , as I found on my journey too ! to find YOUR voice . Finding your voice is learning to listen , to often what ’ s not expressed and then having the space to be brilliantly honest with ourselves and say it out loud !
As an empowerment coach , this is where I find my clients have the break-through ’ s . Moments of clarity . Big A-Has . Truths . Inner knowing ’ s and feelings coming to the surface . Answers coming forth with resounding confidence .
But as any coach and healer knows , you create that space for the client . It ’ s essential that you are clear in your own voice and communicating with the client as you set the tone and create the space for them to explore .
Anyone who is a leader of a tribe must do that – lead . To lead others , you need to not just have a grand vision , you need to be able to communicate it clearly . Express your beliefs , what you stand for , what lights you up , where your boundaries lie .
Being the leader – whether it ’ s a client or a tribe – creates
“ an amazing testimonial here by someone that really cares about me and what i do .” @ youarethebest , the moon LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU MARCH 2017