Just as disease doesn ' t appear overnight , but builds up for years before becoming manifest , so do the patterns and problems that result in chronic anger ( whether internalized or externalized ). Dr . Bigelsen points out the fallacy of the " germ theory " of disease , or the idea that health problems are the result of an " attack " by a virus or bacteria that assaults our otherwise healthy body . As Pasteur acknowledged on his deathbed , it ' s the condition of the " biological terrain " that leads to disease , not the germ .
The word " terrain " derives from the Latin for " earth " or " soil ." Plants will thrive in healthy soil , and survive insects and disease , which are just fulfilling their role in the larger ecosystem . They are meant to take out the weeds and weaker plants , allowing the healthy plants full access to all the goodness in the soil and environment . Bacteria and viruses , or " germs " fill the same role in the ecology of the body . It ’ s easy to see that when the health of the body deteriorates , they will grow in number to try to keep up with the ever-increasing workload .
Our emotional state doesn ' t go from happy and open to sullen and angry because of one upset or event . Rather the " emotional terrain " is years in the making , starting out in the earliest years of our development . It can be impacted by traumas and life events that throw us off kilter . This state is evidenced in our communication , just as health is reflected in the eyes and complexion .
We see a range of pharmacological solutions , from Ritalin given to children to anti-depressants seemingly given to everyone . But in most cases , re-establishing healthy communication is the key . Even when a family member or loved one is uncommunicative , we can still seek to better understand the circumstances or context of the problem , and examine how we are contributing to it in an unwitting manner . We can begin to loosen up the " scar tissue " in our relationships and allow space for the proper flow to resume .
Dr . Bigelsen examines the live blood of his clients , as
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opposed to the dead cultures used in conventional medicine . He has validated the ancient scriptural teaching that " the life is in the blood ," as it reveals a world of information about the health of the individual . In the same way , the life of our relationships is in our communication .
Amazingly , our bodies will tell us the source of disease , when we understand the language it speaks . This was widely understood in the past , but largely forgotten in our modern world . Our communications will tell us what we need to know about the health of our relationships , if we will take the time to listen .
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mike Broadwell helps his clients bring out their unique message without stumbling over the technical stuff . He believes that marketing is powerfully communicating what you do in a way that connects you to your life purpose , while naturally attracting the right audience .
TESTIMONIAL “ Working with Mike helped me find and refine the message that started me towards what has become my life ’ s work . Throughout the process , Mike ’ s quiet , solid encouragement kept me digging deeper to hone from a lump of clay , the golden vision that was always there .”
~ Shelley Malka LeChaimKids . com
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