LifeGrid Magazine March 2017 | Page 30




“ The Life is in the Communication ”

wHILE HEALTH IS OUR MOST important physical possession , communication is just as essential to the quality of our lives . Even love is a form of communication , and we are social beings first and foremost , unable to live completely on our own .

Having recently read the book ‘ Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs ’ by Dr . Harvey Bigelsen , I was struck by how communication functions in the same way as our bodies . The analogies are almost endless , as life is holographic and the patterns are seen everywhere .
As Dr . Bigelsen points out , the key to health is flow , both on a biological and energetic level . Our bodies are constantly moving in oxygen and nutrients , and moving out toxins , waste , and dead tissue . Communication works in the same way .
We share uplifting and encouraging moments to bring life and joy to others , and also work through painful and difficult situations to remove impediments to happiness .
Just the day to day " housekeeping " requires constant communication .
Health deteriorates when the flow is interrupted . Stress causes the walls of our cells to shut down , leading ultimately to disease . We also tend to " shut down " and stop communicating in stressful situations . These can lead to toxic misunderstandings which only make things worse .
One of the biggest causes of disease is the buildup of scar tissue , both from unavoidable accidents as well as from surgical procedures . Scar tissue is effectively a " road block " that cuts off the natural flows and allows pools of toxins to build up . This results in inflammation , a natural process designed to protect the healthy tissue from toxins . But when the toxins can ' t move , it becomes chronic .
Can you think of an analog to inflammation in the realm of communication ? Like maybe anger ? Anger is a natural and necessary emotion in certain circumstances , but we ' re all too familiar with chronic anger . Most of us have experienced it in ourselves and others at times . Isn ' t anger also being used to protect " raw nerves " or some other seeming vulnerability that we aren ' t ready to have exposed ?
“ After writing a few drafts myself , I know how hard that is to do right . He was able to pull out the core of my offering and express it beautifully . ” @ faith jones LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU MARCH 2017