errand . Add the guilt and shame of regularly arriving at preschool and gatherings up to an hour late due to her struggles and it was the perfect recipe for depression .
Day after day this happened for two months straight .
Over time I found strategies and implemented them . Wall charts with behavioral rewards including one where she received an " X " for each day she wore pants and kept them over her bum . Her sister and I had our set of goals to win our chain of " X " s too . Mine should have read , " Peaceful acceptance of the moment and knowing that this too shall pass " as that was what finally helped .
A solo mom of two young girls , my parents are deceased , and I had no family nearby . I didn ' t see a way to regroup at first and it literally took me to my knees . I woke up to realize that self-care and calm energy were keys to getting through this period and the best way to show up and help my daughter through this time .
In that lightbulb moment , I decided to accept my circumstances and work within my constraints rather than bitterly hoping for things to return to " normal ."
A former neighbor told me about a gym that had fun dance classes , yoga , art , French , and martial arts , for my daughter . I had the option to do hot yoga , a smorgasbord of other workouts , and they had WIFI that allowed me to get work done for the 3 full hours she was in their care . My older daughter and I could play squash , basketball , and swim together . I felt blessed to find this opportunity to give us a treat to look forward to as a family .
Just prior to this rough patch I was focused on a plan to help people " go live " via video on Facebook , Instagram , YouTube , Periscope , to build their business . Even after a new focus on self-care the thought of going on camera , let alone live , seemed impossible .
How could I still use video in a personal way without mustering the mojo I didn ' t have ?
That question led me to create my latest product which is solving a problem for so many of us . 1-minute uniquely branded videos to use on social media to attract your ideal clients . I may never have arrived here without the profound tests life sent my way .
" Steph ! Everyone who stopped by my booth LOVED your video ! It attracted people to my display and Many people asked who made it - I gave them your info ! Thanks again for capturing the essence of LaLaLove so sweetly !!" ~ Ivo Mintz - Owner LaLaLove . xyz
" Steph , I really love what you ' ve done it ' s perfect !" ~ Nancy Silva , Owner NJ Homecare stephaniroberts . com
facebook . com / StephGetsSocial
instagram . com / audaciouslife