Honest Planet , because , I say what I mean and I mean what I say . Through words , facial expressions , body language and actions ( all forms of communication ), what you see is what you get . Sprinkled with great love , compassion and healthy boundaries , all learned through periods of immense personal growth .
Those of us in the human race share so many commonalities , and yet are so different in many ways . We certainly don ’ t all think alike . Regardless of age , we perceive the world through the eyes of our own experience . And given that no two people have the exact same experiences , the communication between us all can get jumbled up and misunderstood . Tempers flare . Feelings are ignored , pushed down .
Except when you live on the Honest Planet . Which is where you speak with sincerity and listen with love and compassion . Where clear communication is practiced , and modeled for others , raising the bar of awareness and integrity . Raising the quality of connection between people .
There is a wonderful book called The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson PhD , which describes the development of the brain from infancy through high school graduation . Offering case studies along with the science behind them , Daniel and Tina teach about the development of upper and lower parts and left and right sides of the brain . And how that affects a child ’ s ability to process and respond at different ages and in various situations . This book is so cool it includes a quick reference guide to hang on the fridge , and a summary of various types of brain integration , when and how those manifest , and how to respond .
Another equally helpful book is How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber Elaine Mazlish . Like The Whole-Brain Child , this book includes “ How Not To ” and “ How To ” cartoons to illustrate an assortment of encounters between parent and child . In these cases , the amateurish drawings make the learning a bit
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more fun .
I promise you , these books are not just for parents . They are just as valuable for children of all ages , whether or not parents . Because the more we learn how to effectively adapt our choice of words as appropriate , the more successful our communication will be .
Thanks to the books , I gained immeasurably helpful conversational insight , wisdom and simple tips , becoming an all-around better communicator . With myself ( aka self-talk ), and with others .
All right . I confess , the Honest Planet doesn ’ t really exist . I got the idea from an old Saturday Night Live skit .
But I like it . You and I can really communicate here .
“ I received a painting from Annette after my mom unexpectedly passed away in March 2013 . My life was turned so upside-down at the time ... It felt like the worst storm ever that would never end . There are certain storms in our lives that will impact us forever , but all storms eventually let up and the sun slowly begins to peak out and bring new life . My mom was such a talented gardener and had the most amazing yard . She more than anyone loved seeing the beauty of growth after a good rain . This is the calm after the storm .”
~ Annie Trogani
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