“ Keeping the U and I in Communication .”
wHAT IS YOUR PREFERRED WAY of communication these days ? With family and friends ? At work ? Chances are that you use at least several of the more than sixty social media apps available in 2017 , in addition to your phone and email accounts . And , based on an informal survey consisting of my
friends and family , text messaging reigns as king of them all .
Real communication , so much more than social media , involves not just tapping away on a keypad . Obviously , it uses your brain . Of equal importance , it involves your heart , soul and spirit .
Brain : exponentially mystifying , surprising scientists and researchers each year with its capabilities , including the power to grow and reconnect and heal at levels never before thought possible . Heart : pumping blood through your body , providing life-critical oxygen . Inextricably connected to brain , soul and spirit . Soul and spirit : vibrational energy and intention flowing in , through and around your physical body , influencing your health and wellbeing .
Let ’ s focus for a bit on an example of the authentic communication which occurs between two souls inhabiting human bodies that contain brains and hearts , aka people . ;)
In my work as an artist , I feature an offering called “ Something for Your Soul ” - a custom commissioned fine art painting , co-created by me with the client . The process includes questionnaires and conversations that foster open communication between the two of us and allow me to “ feel ” what they want to feel when the finished painting is on their wall .
This sacred connection makes it possible for me to manifest a piece that reflects their highest awareness , bringing a daily reminder into their space of their deepest truest self . And , because of our in-depth verbal communication and connection , a part of me , my soul , resides in each painting , reminding my clients that we are all connected . Then , when others see the painting , something typically speaks to them , and the connections expand .
I don ’ t think there ’ s an app out there that can replicate THAT kind of communication . When communicating with family , friends and colleagues , I like to say I live on the
“ Trying to search for meaning . I could see myself and others in the middle of the circle , whilst all my surroundings were continuous .” @ valerie gramlich LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU MARCH 2017