June 2017
Life Grid magazine
' Giving Local Business a Global Voice .' Janie Lin - Local Editor
About Me by Janie Lin
Janie Lin is a Business Alchemist and a Wealth Consciousness Revolutionary . She is certified in 13 different healing modalities , including Reiki and Life Coaching , and has 17 years ’ experience in practicing energy healing . Janie is intuitive , empathic , clairvoyant , clairaudient , extrasensory and psychic .
Janie Lin has the gift of alchemy , which means she can literally create something from nothing . She does this by what she calls energy tuning . Janie Lin communicates with the business and its owner energetically , she is then able to see where the blocks are .
What happens next is nothing short of magic . Janie Lin energetically pulls all the possibilities that are available from the Universe , funnels it to the business through the owner , while simultaneously clearing all energetic blocks in the umbilical cord between the owner and the business so that inspired action can be taken .
Janie Lin has a deep understanding of how the energetics of things work and function . From 20 years ’ experience in business and creating businesses , she also has a deep understanding of how things work in the physical world as well , and the programming and beliefs that society has determined how business works and doesn ’ t .
When people work with Janie Lin , they show immediate results in money flows . Her clients have gone from not knowing what their Soul Gift is to uncovering it and increasing their income by 500 - 800 %. Janie Lin works with Business owners , Coaches , Healers , and Entrepreneurs . Her practice is now globally online .
Janie Lin is the voice and the catalyst of your Million Dollar Muse .
janielinsmith . com
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