LifeGrid Magazine June 2017 | Page 30

JUST BEING ME. by Iryna K. Combs ove. Passion. Obses- sion. What are the things that make your head spin and your heart skip a beat? territory. When you serve others – prepare to be judged. But the feeling I get from those who appreciate and enjoy my writing fills my heart to the full leaving no room for sorrow and sadness. We have to filter what goes in that tender blood-pumping organ! Plexus… I am smiling even writing it right now. Never being involved nor interested in network marketing, I sure love the outcome with this one. We change lives. We bring hope. We build ourselves inside out and help others do the same. And when we watch what happens with people we love and care about – we are burst- ing with happiness! For me, it is people! And to be more clear – peo- Being originally from Ukraine and ple’s success that I from a quite big city, my new home in played a role in and contributed to. the south Georgia seems like a grain Being a young jewelry designer, best- compare to the vastness of my native selling author and Plexus ambassador city. One red light says it all! When I I know people’s satisfaction is a key moved here I knew no one. I did not factor in my business and, my own know what to expect and how heart is big and welcoming! What a people will accept me. Why would happiness. ride it has been and I am no near the unknown stop me? I stepped out done! So what makes it so special and why of my comfort zone and did things I never imagined myself doing. would I care? I just do. And although it took me many trials and errors to learn from my own Although it did not happen over night From fear, worry and intimidation of mistakes, it was sure worth the experi- and the love to serve had to grow the new place and new goals, I ence and lessons I can lean on. If it inside me, develop and thrive. I did received love, support and many was easy, everyone would do it, not always understand why I wanted friends! I discovered my small town’s right? to do the things I did. But I did them because they brought me joy and Biography when my joy was contagious to Iryna K Combs is an Amazon bestsell- others – that brought me huge happi- ing and award winning author, and a ness and passion. Plexus independent ambassador. When I create my jewelry, bead by bead, stone by stone. When I prickle myself with the needle or lose my tiny seed beads that can only fit through a cat whisker, I never get discouraged. And knowing this piece of art might be worn only ones or twice is still enough for my gratefulness to shine. What about writing? There are millions of books and there is none that everyone loves. I simply follow my heart and write what God puts on my heart knowing that I might face some negativity. It comes with the na-K.-Combs/e/B0141GSIZC