The planning is done, time to hit the road - or the library databases!
A list of our most popular databases can be found on our Online Resources guide. Each database has its own inventory of content, often discipline specific (sciences, humanities, nursing), but the basic principles apply to all.
The key to database searching is a mix of precision and flexibility. Know what you want, have a plan, but be open to the possibilities!
The tips and tricks on this page will help you avoid taking a wrong turn. Or, if you do get lost, you'll find your way again!
Advanced Search
Most databases have advanced search options to give you better results from the start. This is like skipping the TSA line at the airport.
Common advanced search options include:
- Peer-reviewed
- Publication date (2009-2014)
- Full-Text (get the article now)
- AND, OR Boolean operators
- Search by author, title, publication, etc.
If you do not use advanced search, you can still filter your results by adding additional terms or select filter boxes.
Hitting the road and finding the fast lane
Searching in databases like a pro