Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz Spring 2015 | Page 5

THE SECRETARIAT. GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© MOVEMENT TORNILLO TEXAS TRAVEL THE PASS. THE PASS OF THE NORTH ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Home The Secretariat Topics Travel The Pass The Pass Of The North© ■ DR. STRANGELOVE January 29 © Tornillo Texas Tornillo Was Platted In 1909 Tornillo is on State Highway 20 COLD WAR POLITICS eties and changing attitudes to- the cotton industry, a historical south, and Interstate Highway 10 county access road connects Tor- Turning Points was the only church in town in sanctuary, a recreational area, lands into an irrigated agriculturcreased due to easy access to the “The purpose of this grant program is to loan students the equipment necessary to access and use electronic instructional materials.” FEMININE MYSTIQUE ■ THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE February 1964 TORNILLO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU©TTPMMP Tornillo Independent School District Tornillo ISD Cotton Production UNA HORA DE ENERGIA MOTIVE A LOS NIÑOS QUE SEAN ACTIVOS ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Listados The Secretariat Categoría La Nutrición Y La Salud Revisado por: Mary L. Gavin, MD - culos y los huesos, y ga- niños encuentran una ac- The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources. combinación de la personalidad y la capacidad tiene un efecto en la actitud del niño hacia la participación dades, tenga en cuenta los en una actividad física. classroom : an era of change ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Home ■ G.I. JOE ACTION FIGURE February 2 ■ La AMERICAN MEMORY : EDU CLASSROOM ACTIVITY Teachers : GI GALVANIZED IRON The Secretariat Teacher Lesson Plan THE BEATLES ON TV! ■ THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW February 9 Lesson Overview Students need to under- Resources 1 7 Lesson Proceedure 2 Part I Using Primary Sources to Interpret Life during the 1920s the country! THE U.S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS riod, students create their The Greatest Gaudiest Spree In History 3 Plan Objectives 4 5 6 Part II Primary Sources The Great Gatsby GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© 05