Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz Spring 2015 | Page 4

THE SECRETARIAT. DÉ EL REGALO DEL APRENDIZAJE. NUESTRA HISTORIA ES EL INICIO.© GATORS “Gene Autry, western movie star, arrived in El Paso Wednesday to inspect the site of a proposed hotel at our International Airport.” AT LA PLACITA CLARK GABLE AT BIGGS FIELD ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© El Paso Texas some time but I waited September 1953 -Jack until I just couldn’t take Biggs Field Army Base Meanwhile noted LieuJanuary 27 1943 -Gable tenant Gable, who can’t and Jill, a pair of peppy alligators who outgrew their backyard diggings, were donated to the City and joined the alligator family at the plaza pool. Mrs. Myrtle Price, of 3508 Bisbee St., bought the alligators a few days after they were hatched seven years her pets were becoming a handful. “They were great pets and would rear back whenever I brought them their horse meet,” Mrs. Price said, “but they started snapping and hissing at strangers now. My children have been wanting to get rid of them for- care of them any longer.” Most of her aquatic livestock is in a pond 15 by 20 feet and 6 feet deep. But the alligators were kept separately to protect the other critters. They outgrew two private pools before being evicted. Her four gators were sent from Louisiana by mail, back in 1946, inside a cigar box. Mrs. Price is a tad nervous about Jack and Jill’s new home. “They’re small, as alligators go”, she says, “and with their pep they could slip out between the posts of the retaining wall.” She plans to visit ‘em often. MOVEMENT MR. CONSERVATIVE ■ BARRY GOLDWATER January 3 -Arizona’s two-term Republican senator Barry Goldwater announces his candidacy for president of the United States. Nicknamed “Mr. Conservative,” Goldwater and his campaign spark a conservative revolution within the Republican Party that will detics for generations. ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU©TTPMMP EL PASO TEXAS February 21, 1973 Resort Hotel in the making! Famed western movie star Gene Autry arrived in El Paso today to inspect the site of a proposed 250-room resort hotel at our growing EP International Airport. The proposed resort to be built by Autry will be located adjacent to a planned 27-hole municipal golf course sited immediately east of the airport terminal. Autry, who has been a frequent visitor to El Paso in the past, expressed an interest in the layout of the course that will include another nine-hole par three lighted course, with the 18th green adjacent to the resort complex. just reported to Biggs to train with and accompany the 351st Bomb Group to England as head of a sixman motion picture unit. Gable was promoted to captain while he was with the 351st Bomb Group at Pueblo Army Air Base, Colorado. Female civilian employes at Ft. Bliss and Biggs Field were in a frenzy today over Clark Gable, who arrived at Biggs Field to train for combat duty. We want a transfer to Biggs Field,” several Ft. Bliss girl employes chorused when they heard the heart-throbbing news. wherever he goes, stuck to his guns in his Flying Fortresses. He’s training for combat duty as an aerial gunner. He is staying at the bacheGable retains the dash and looks that have stirred the hearts of millions of moviegoers world wide over. Lieutenant Gable, pronounced a “regular guy” by soldiers, may soon see combat duty overseas. terday after spending a short furlough on the West Coast. EL PASO TEXAS TRAVEL THE PASS. THE PASS OF THE NORTH ■ The Southwest Chronicle EDU© : Home The Secretariat Topics Travel The Pass The Pass Of The North© © El Paso Texas SOUTHWEST eduSPORTS CHRONICLE EDU© TRIVIA ■ ALL MATERIAL©TTPMMP Miscellaneous SPORTS QUIZ ■ UP IN SMOKE! ■ FIRST SMOKING REPORT January 11 -U.S. Surgeon General port on Smoking and Health. After reviewing more than 7,000 scientee concluded that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer as well as a host of other medical issues. The Pass Of The North Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe El Paso is at the far western tip of Texas, where New Mexico and the Mexican state of Chihuahua meet in a harsh desert environment around the slopes of Mount Franklin on the Rio Grande, which has often been compared to the Nile. As they approached the Rio Grande from the south, Spaniards in the sixteenth century viewed two mountain ranges rising out of the desert with a deep chasm between. This site they named El Paso del Norte (the Pass of the North), the future location of two border cities—Ciudad Juárez on the south or right bank of the Rio Grande, and El Paso, Texas, on the opposite side of the river. Since the sixteenth century the pass has been a continental crossroads; a north-south route along a historic camino real prevailed during the Spanish and In the late 1650s Fray García founded the mission of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe on the south bank of the Rio Grande; it still stands in downtown Ciudad Juárez. The Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1680 sent Spanish colonists and west axis in the years following 1848, when the Rio Grande became an international boundary. WORLD CENTER 1966 ■ DESIGNS RELEASED WTC January 18 -The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey releases designs for the original World Trade Center buildings. March 1966 Construction begins on March 21 at the WTC site with the demolition of 78 Dey Street. August 1966 Excavation work begins for the WTC. First use of “slurry wall” method in the United States. October 1970 The North Tower of the WTC exceeds the height of Empire State Building, making it the tallest building in the world. 04 Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca The El Paso area was inhabited for centuries by various Indian groups before the Spaniards were Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his three companions, survivors of an unsuccessful Spanish expedition to Florida, who passed through the El Paso area in 1535 or 1536, although their exact route is debated by historians. Several years later, in 1540–42, an expedition under Francisco Vázquez de Coronado explored an enormous amount of territory now party of Spaniards that certainly saw the Pass of the North was the Rodríguez-Sánchez expedition of 1581; its arrival marked the beginning of 400 years of history in the El Paso area. This was followed by the Espejo-Beltrán expedition of 1582 an BF