Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language. Leon Metz 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 2

25 HAPPY B-DAY TO US! THIS IS EDU th Our ANNIVERSARY IN MEDIA 5000 PRINTED 11 ONLINE SITES AWESOMENESS! EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS SINCE 1991 e/i • CLICK us The Southwest Chronicle Edu ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP ■ Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Thank you so much for your trust and support via our State and Government endorsed educational programs since 1991, and for your present attentions. Each of our highly endorsed, dual-language pedagogic inclined technologies and projects has contributed to one another throughout the course of our blessed ongoing 25-year résumé, Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991. Our past has a future and it is our present.© LIKE s ON u Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Estamos muy agradeFLGRVSRUVXFRQÀDQ]D y apoyo referente a nuestros programas educativos, los cuales son altamente endosados por agencias Estatales y agencias de Gobierno. Cada uno de nuestros exitosos programas han trabajado el uno con el otro a lo largo de nuestro resumen de 25 años. travelthepass and WE GIF-IT! ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP ■ Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Hello -Our doctoral dissertation H[HPSOLÀHV SXVKLQJ WKH ERXQG DULHV RI ZKDW LV DFFHSWHG DV WKH QRUP LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK HYROY ing bilingual, visual teaching deYHORSPHQWV 3OXV RXU SXEOLFDWLRQ scholarly research and its printing revolves around our regional acDGHPLF FDOHQGDU ZKLFK HPEUDFHV various Independent School Districts sited throughout our three VWDWHWZRFRXQWU\UHJLRQ:HDUH Awarded Individuals • Western Writers Of America Mem- bers / Saddleman Awarded Recipients ■ SWChronicle EDU© TTPMMP ■ Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© NEW MEXICO REGION • Barnes & Noble Las Cruces • Santa Teresa sites / hotels / banks • Sunland Park sites / hotels / banks • Las Cruces Convention & Visitors Bureau REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS • Gadsden ISD main office (pub stand) • San Elizario ISD main office (pub stand) • Canutillo ISD main office (pub stand) • Clint ISD main office (pub stand) • Fabens ISD main office (pub stand) • Tornillo ISD main office (pub stand) REGIONAL LAW AGENCIES & HQs • 34 EP Fire Dept. Stations & HQ • FBI Headquarters El Paso Texas • 5 EP Police Command Centers • Sheriff Dept. & Headquarters • Border Patrol Headquarters • U.S. Marshals Service HQ SAN ELIZARIO TEXAS REGION • San Elizario Los Portales Museum & Information Center / The Old County Jail / select town sites ( V"7F