Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language. Leon Metz 8th Anniversary Limited Edition

The Southwest Chronicle Edu MARILYN M. SW CHRONICLE EDU SW CHRONICLE EDU IN PRINT ONLINE & METZ MORALES Sponsorship DOPE CHRONICLES FOR DAYS! NO ALCOHOL. NO TOBACCO. NO ADULT ONLY THEMED SERVICES PERMITTED TO PARTAKE. THANK YOU. 1/4 page ad $250 e/i Sylvia Gevália L. marketingDirector / publishingChair 915 777 1191 © CHRONICLE EDU CLICK us ©2008 t s u d TTPMMP ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Secretariat • Metz & Morales • Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Leon C. Metz 2008 -The Southwest Chroni- cle Edu© is an inventive and intelligent take on Southwest history published by Travel The Pass Est. in 1991 and it is orchestrated by Travel The Pass MMP Marketing Director / Board Publishing Chair Sylvia Gevália L. It is a core teaching instrument and it is committed to reinvesting in our regional community through education by preserving and publicizing vital aspects of our region’s KLVWRU\ ZKLOH FRQQHFWLQJ schools, organizations and businesses to our local heritage. But let me digress for a moment and introduce myself. I am the recipient of The Ruth Lester Lifetime Achievement $ZDUG 7KH 6DGGOHPDQ $ZDUG DQG KDYH VSRNHQ on The American West to various audiences all over the country. I have been a contributor WR 7UDYHO 7KH 3DVV 0DVV 0HGLD3LQQDFOHDQG,DP main author of The SouthZHVW&KURQLFOH(GX‹, the RQO\ QHZVSDSHU LQ RXU region this is edu NO ALCOHOL NO TOBACCO NO ADULT ONLY THEMED SERVICES colorful history. Each LVVXHLVVWURQJLQLWVRZQ right. It’s pages help us understand and more deeply appreciate the background and the people of this unique region LQZKLFKZHOLYH ,W LV D SRZHUIXO DQG FRQ venient vehicle to reach WKH UHJLRQ·V PRVW LQÁX ential bilingual audience. Our rich culits a kind of history that makes you be proud to be a member of the beautiful great SouthZHVW /HRQ&0HW] EDUCATORS 2016 -”Thank you so much for your trust and support via our State and Government endorsed educational programs since 1991 e/i and for your present atWHQWLRQV7KH6RXWKZHVW &KURQLFOH (GX‹ SXEOL cation is made available to educators in print HGX3XE VWDQGV VLWHG DW select school district ofÀFHV DQGYLDÀYH,QWHU net platforms optimized for all major mobile opHUDWLQJ V\VWHPV ZKLFK LQFOXGH 3& 0DF L26 $QGURLG &KURPH DQG :LQGRZV :H DUH WKH ÀUVWLQRXUUHJLRQDO7UL 6WDWH 7ZR1DWLRQ FRP munity to hit the digital pub web ZLWK LQ teractive elements s u c h as video, this unique structure is complimented by academic content tailored to every level from pre-school to university graduate programs plus accredited TEKS classroom lesson plans (in english and VSDQLVK  DQG &RPPRQ &RUH6WDQGDUGVLQ7H[DV DQGLQ1HZ0H[LFREnd SOUTHWEST ALL CONTENT email [email protected] • fb The Southwest Chronicle Edu eat my th 8 LIMITED EDITION e/i • st e w h t u o s the / CONCEPT IS COPYRIGHT©TTPMMP IAM ANNIVERSARY PUB 2016 THIS IS EDU 5000 PRINTED 11 ONLINE SITES AWESOMENESS! VADOR VILLA AREA 51