Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language. Leon Metz 8th Anniversary Limited Edition | Page 3

SOUTHWEST CHRONICLE Our eduPub on line platforms optimized for all major mobile operating systems which include PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Chrome and Windows. eduSponsorship Info 915 777 1191 Bilingual interactive content on ÀYHGLJLWDOSXEOLFDWLRQSODWIRUPV three video channels - two social net sites - and one gif online venue. THE SECRETARIAT EDU & MORALES METZ DOPE CHRONICLES FOR DAYS! SWChronicle EDU© is sketched with a deliberate misspell structured for classroom application and for online Edu trivia and social media inquiry. e/i $OO&RQWHQWLV,QWHOOHFWXDO3URSHUW\RI7UDYHO7KH3DVV0DVV0HGLD3LQQDFOH(VWFR7KH6RXWKZHVW&KURQLFOH(GX‹DQGLWVDIÀOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVOLFHQVRUVDUWLVWVDQGVXSSOLHUV5HSURGXFWLRQLVSURKLELWHGLQDQ\ZD\E\DQ\PHDQV PART 1 OF 5 © SW CHRONICLE EDU© ('8&$7,21$/ ŏ '8$//$1*8$*( ŏ 81&219(17,21$/ 1991 TRAVEL THE PASS MMP Hits Three States & Two Nations! ´7KLVLVQHZ LW·VEDULW·V totally dope.” ■ SWChronicle EDU© The Secretariat • Metz & Morales • Our Past Has A Future And It Is Our Present© Leon C. Metz 2008 -”The Southwest Chron- icle Edu© is an inventive and intelligent take on Southwest history published by Travel The Pass Est. in 1991 and it is orchestrated by Travel The Pass Marketing Director / Board Publishing Chair Sylvia Gevália L. It is a core teaching instrument and it is committed to reinvesting in our regional community through education by preserving and publicizing vital aspects of our region’s history while connecting schools, organizations and businesses to our local heritage. But let me digress for a moment and introduce myself. I am the recipient of The Ruth Lester Lifetime Achievement Award, The Saddleman Award and have spoken on The American West to various audiences all over the country. For the past numerous years I have been a contributor to Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle and I am main author of The Southwest Chronicle Edu©, the only newspaper in our region totally, solely and remarkably dedicated to our region’s enduring, romantic and - METZ & MORALES NO ALCOHOL NO TOBACCO NO ADULT ONLY THEMED SERVICES colorful history. Each issue is strong in its own right. It’s pages help us understand and more deeply appreciate the background and the people of this unique region in which we live. It is a powerful and convenient vehicle to reach WKHUHJLRQ·VPRVWLQÁXHQ tial audience. Not only is it distinctive; it’s exciting as well as informative. It’s a kind of - CLICKus