Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 31

SouthWest GUERREROS DEL SUROESTE DICK POE NOTICIAS Logró convertirse en abogado, pero fue abatido a balazos por un policía de la ciudad de El Paso. TERMINÓ CON ÉXITO SU CERTIFICACIÓN EL PERSONAL DE DICK POE Esta compañía siempre ha estado a la vanguardia en sus productos y sus servicios. -Recientemente personal de Dick Poe Chrysler-Jeep y Dodge-Ram portante para dar a los clientes de esta frontera un servicio de mayor calidad y con los estándares de atla marca Chrysler a través de su programa profesional de Holaos! Amig los conocimientos más Todos estos aspectos son minuciosamente cuidados Esta compañía siempre ha estado a la vanguardia en Estar a la vanguardia y siempre a la delantera en aten- permanencia de Dick Poe en el mercado de la venta SOUTHWEST C Fin THE Texto y Traducción Proporcionado Por LEWIS BURFITT© HRONICLE ASSOCIATED PRESS : Hardin went to the Acme Saloon, where he began playing dice. Shortly before midnight, Selman Sr. entered the saloon, walked up to Hardin from behind, and shot him in the head, killing him instantly. As Hardin lay on the floor, Selman fired three more shots into him. Selman Sr. was arrested for murder and stood trial. He claimed he had fired in self-defense and was released on bond, pending retrial. JOHN HARDIN I condemn and despise a coward and assassin of character whether he be a reporter or a gambler” - May 20 1895 August 19, 1895 John Wesley Hardin is murdered by an off-duty policeman in a saloon in El Paso, Texas. would indicate that reports of his reformation EL PASO -John Wesley perado released from the penitentiary a year or so ago tells El Pasoans a few din the desperado whose exploits in De Witt twenty people of El Paso and to everyone to whom it may concern: I have noticed EL PASO TEXAS : Monday Evening May 20 1895 The Southwest Chronicle©TTPMMP Est.1991 after I had lost a consider- I wish to announce right now that in the past my I told him he could not win my money and hurrah me too and that as he undertook to hurrah me he could deliver me the mon- was generally supposed have not always come up counted out the $95 I said and reformed during his twenty years incarcera- no kick to make against End ago he strolled into a gam- present and my future am- BIOGRAFÍAReconocido por ser un was not as fair as it should I wish to say right now la etapa anterior a la guerra civil en la cual la violencia era una forma aceptada made the dealer hand over Después de estar preso por dieciséis años por la local paper reported the a style as was not satis- Vida de John Wesley Hardin - would not stand a holdout and get the pot without por un policía de la ciudad even threatening violence parándole por la espalda ( Fin John fue reconocido por ser un hábil pistolero. GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© 27