Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 15

EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. THE SOUTHWEST collegian Rosa Louise Parks MilkMag CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST © February 4, 1913 October 24, 2005 FLAG POLE SITTING FAD COMES TO TOWN August 29, 1928 EDUCATION Industrial School for Girls Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes PLACE OF BIRTH World Champion Sitter Shins up El Paso Hotel Hussmann’ Flagpole as town folks gather ‘round. AKA ORIGINAL STORY 1928 EL PASO TEXAS Tuskegee, Alabama Rosa Louise McCauley A Chronicle A SYNOPSIS Quotes OF WISDOM ROSA LOUISE PARKS “People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired ... The only tired I was was tired of giving in. EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. several rows designated for “colored” passengers. Though the city’s bus ordinance did give drivers the them the authority to demand a passenger to give up a seat to anyone (regardless of color). However, Montgomery bus drivers had adopted the custom of requiring black passengers to give up their seats to white passengers, when no other seats were available. Rosa refused, remained seated and was arrested. ROSA LOUISE PARKS CIVIL RIGHTS PIONEER February 4, 1913 Her refusal to surrender her seat to a white passenger Early Life INSIGHT THE ADVENTURE BEGINS Rosa Parks’s childhood brought her early experiences with racial discrimination and activism for racial equality. After her parents separated, Rosa’s mother moved the family to Pine Level, Alabama to live with her parents, Rose and Sylvester Edwards—both former slaves and strong advocates for racial equality; the family lived on the Edwards’ farm, where Rosa would spend her youth. In one experience, Rosa’s grandfather stood in front of their house with a shotgun while Ku Klux Klan members marched down the street. Rosa went on to attend a segregated, one-room school in Pine Level, Alabama, that often lacked adequate school supplies such as desks. In an era without television and radio, folks often look for means of entertainment outside of the home. Now the Roaring Twenties are enjoying an odd spectacle of “flagpole sitting”. Pole sitting sport is the act of sitting on a pole, typically pole, for as long as possible. At times a small platform is placed at the top of the pole but often the pole sitter rests upon the pole unassisted. Pole-sitting is related to the ancient discipline of Stylitism, or column-sitting. Famous column-sitters include St Simeon Stylites the Elder (c. 388-459) of Antioch (now Turkey) who sat on a column for 30 years. Stylitism was often a religious or meditative experience for the sitters. friend dared actor Alvin “Shipwreck” Kelly to sit The odd spectacle set off a series of imitators who sought fame and money and a chance to beat pole sitters set Here at home, the state is all set for Ben Fox, world’s pole sitter, to shin up the Hotel Hussmann afternoon hours. Workmen yesterday completed lengthening the pole to a height of 50 feet. Fox was on hand and immediately went up the pole for a “tour of inspection.” He announced the pole in perfect condition and said that it had about four feet of sway. Hundreds on the street below thought that this SOUTHWEST C THE HRONICLE “I’d see the bus pass ever 䁑