Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 14

THE SOUTHWEST collegian EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. Thérèse Bonney MilkMag PHOTOJOURNALIST © July 15, 1894 January 23, 1978 DELIVERING SWEET DELICIOUS FLAVOR February 14, 1920 EDUCATION University of California Berkeley, Radcliffe College Cambridge, Sorbonne Come visit our Production Plant in Canutillo or Distribution Plant in El Paso anytime, folks. PLACE OF BIRTH Syracuse, New York AKA Mabel Bonney A Chronicle A SYNOPSIS EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. ORIGINAL STORY 1920 ROBERT PRICE -“This milk, in addition to being the best milk to use for the home, is especially adapted to over the counter trade, where the long keeping qualia decided advantage. We extend to the public a hearty invitation to visit our Production Plant in the Upper Valley near Canutillo, and our distributing plant at 120 North Piedras street in El Paso Texas.” -R. Price Permit For Sale Of Fresh Milk 1920: issued by Will C. Griffin, Captain Veterinary Corps, Camp Veterinarian stated: -“Permit is hereby granted Price’s Dairy to sell milk, butter-milk and milk products to organizations in this district. Inspection this dairy made: All methods modern in every respect, and this dairy is in Class A and as a source of supply is ” End ©TTPMMP2014 OATS & DAIRY THE FACE OF TODAY’S DIET Dietary Guidelines For Americans ORIGINAL STORY 2010 Dairy products and oats contain important nutrients that contribute to health and wellness. and nutrient gaps. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that moderate evidence indicates intake of milk and milk products is linked with improved bone health, especially in children and adolescents, plus reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Let’s Talk Oats • Steel cut (pinhead) oats: These are whole oats that have simply been cut into two or three pieces by steel cutters to produce rough, coarse oatmeal. Quotes OF WISDOM She decided to later on travel to Finland to take pictures of the “preparation for the Olympics”. And of course, “eight hours” after her arrival in Finland, the “Finnish-Soviet war” began. The outbreak of war was so unexpected that other journalists were not able to get to the area “for a few months” of the war, leaving Bonney the only journalist to cover the beginning of the war. She photographed the entire war from the beginning to its end in the bitter peace of March 1940. She received Finland’s highest honor. Early Life INSIGHT THE ADVENTURE BEGINS photojournalist was when she took pictures of the people of Europe, namely the royalty of that time. Her pictures were compiled into an exhibit called the “Gay Nineties”, which was shown at the George Petit gallery in Paris in 1932. This exhibit was special because it preserved history of the Edwardian Europe and Victorian fashion and it was later published. Later, Bonney took a job as the director of a gallery in French art in Rockefeller Center. While working at the Center, she became disenchanted with the quality and lack of dramatic content in the pictures that photographers brought to her and so her photo journey began. THÉRÈSE BONNEY “They fold their hands in prayer and thank God for that little.” (food) One line of Europe’s Children Book by Thérèse Bonney. THÉRÈSE M. BONNEY THE EARLY YEARS 1916 - 1921 Received a “master’s degree in Romance Languages” at Harvard, went to Columbia University and schooling at the Sorbonne in Paris. Graduated with her PhD from the Sorbonne, was the youngest person, the fourth woman and only the 10th American to ever earn a PhD at the college (Abercrombie). • Oatmeal: This is made by using grooved rolls to break up the oats to produce different grades of oatmeal, from coarse oatmeal (steel cut/pinhead were introduced, porridge was traditionally made with oatmeal. It takes longer to cook and usually has a much thicker texture compared to rolled oats. End Early Career PERIOD “I go forth alone, try to get the truth, bring it back and try to THE ADVENTURE BEGINS GONE FISHING FOR HEALTHY SNACKS A Baked Salmon Stick & Lemon Dill Reviewe