Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 13

EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. THE SOUTHWEST collegian Mae C. Jemison MilkMag DOCTOR / ASTRONAUT October 17, 1956 EDUCATION © LOOK INTO MY DREAMY MILKY EYES February 14, 1920 Stanford University, Morgan Park High School, Cornell University Medical College PLACE OF BIRTH Fourteen years ago Price’s Dairy was started with 12 cows, integrity and compassion. FULL NAME ORIGINAL STORY 1920 Decatur, Alabama Mae Carol Jemison Quotes OF WISDOM MAE CAROL JEMISON “The biggest challenge we all face is to learn about ourselves and to understand our strengths and weaknesses.” A Chronicle A SYNOPSIS EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. Jemison has been a member of several prominent organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Chemical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and served on the board of directors of the World Sickle Cell Foundation from 1990 to 1992. She has also served as an advisory committee member of the American Express Geography Competition and an honorary board member of the Center for the Prevention of Childhood Malnutrition. MAE CAROL JEMISON MISSION ENDEAVOR September 12, 1992 American woman to be admitted into the astronaut training program. On September 12, 1992, Jemison African-American woman in space. Early Life INSIGHT THE ADVENTURE BEGINS As she had been in high school, Jemison was very involved in extracurricular activities at Stanford, including dance and theater productions, and served as head of the Black Student Union. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from the university in 1977. Upon graduation, she entered Cornell University Medical College and, during her years there, found time to expand her horizons by studying in Cuba and Kenya and working at a Cambodian refugee camp in Thailand. After she obtained her M.D. in 1981, Jemison interned at Los Angeles County/ University of Southern California Medical Center and later worked as a general practitioner. The story of one local institution should prove very interesting to the public. Through various stages this plant has grown to a big concern with 185 cows, modern milking machines, pasteurizing machinery and a big delivery system. Owing to the public demand for better and more sanitary milk, leading dairies over the country have installed machinery the story of one local institution should prove very interesting to the public. Fourteen years ago Price’s Dairy was started with 12 cows. Through various stages this plant has grown to a big concern with 185 cows, modern milking machines, pasteurizing machinery and a big delivery system. Owing to the public demand for better and more sanitary milk, leading dairies over the country have installed machinery to bring about this end. It is true that this increased care raises the price of milk slightly to the consumer. But when it is considered that milk is the sole food of babies, a large part of the diet of invalids, and a considerable portion of the food of grown-ups, it is readily seen that no one would care to return to the days of unclean milking and haphazard methods of handling milk. Price’s Dairy has quite recently installed modern milking machines. So that now at no time does the milk come in contact with the human hand at this plant. Says Robert Price, manager of the dairy; “We desire to rank with the foremost dairies in the country. Our aim is to give our patrons a milk that is as pure, wholesome and sanitary as it is humanly possible to produce. For that reason we installed some time ago a Rice and Adams Pasteurized in the Bottle pasteurizer. For the same reason we later installed modern milking machines.” This milk, in addition to being the best milk to use for the home, is especially adapted to over the counter trade. End ©TTPMMP2014 I’M CELEBRATING MY BDAY WITH MILK! August 2012 There are several reasons to delay the introducbirthday. Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board “You have as much right as anyone else to be in this Early Career PERIOD THE ADVENTURE BEGINS world and to be in any profession you want. You don’t When Jemison was chohave to wait for permission.” - MAE CAROL JEMISON sen on June 4, 1987, she Throughout her early school years, Jemison’s parents were supportive and encouraging of her talents and abilities, and she spent a consider- American woman to be able amount of time in her school library reading about all aspects of admitted into the astronaut training program. science, especially astronomy. After more than a year of training, she became the Quotes OF WISDOM AMELIA MARY EARHART “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” The Legacy CELEBRATED female astronaut, earning the title of science mission specialist—a job that would make her responsible for conducting crew-related the space shuttle. When into space on September 12, 1992, with six other astronauts aboard the Endeavour on mission STS47, she became the READ OF OUR PAST & FORWARD THE KNOWLEDGE©TTPMMP In recognition of her accomplishments, Jemison received a number of accolades, including several honorary doctorates, the 1988 Essence Science and Technology Award, the Ebony Black Achievement Award in 1992 and a Montgomery Fellowship from Dartmouth College in 1993. She was also named Gamma Sigma Gamma Woman of the Year in 1990. Additionally, in 1992, an alternative public school in Detroit, Michigan, th HXYHˈ