Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 12

THE SOUTHWEST collegian g EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. Amelia Earhart PILOT © July 24, 1897 c.January 5, 1939 HARVESTING NEW AGE MILK HEALTH November 22-23 1919 EDUCATION Hyde Park High School, Columbia University New Plant New Machinery and Modern Methods hit the southwest scene at 120 North Piedras Street PLACE OF BIRTH Atchison, Kansas AKA Amelia Earhart ORIGINAL STORY 1919 Price’s Dairy affords a wonderful example of growth in the Southwest. From a two cow dairy this plant has grown in the past fourteen years to a dairy with a 150 cow production. The new creamery at 120 North Piedras street is a new plant with new machinery and modern methods. This process both heats and cools all the milk in the bottle, the milk not even coming in contact with the air during the en- FULL NAME Amelia Mary Earhart A Chronicle A SYNOPSIS Quotes OF WISDOM EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. AMELIA MARY EARHART After a plane ride at an air show, Amelia Earhart de- “I have a feeling there is just about tools and, more recently, freckle cream. Earhart was legally declared dead in 1939. Southwest. This method is used exclusively by the Crescent Creamery in Los Angeles, and this is the largest creamery in the city of Los Angeles. The growth of this plant is due to the fact that the men who have managed it are experienced and educated men in their line. Russell Price Cry, manager, is a graduate of agriculture of the University of California. Robert Price, production manager on the ranch, is also a graduate of agriculture and Early Life INSIGHT great world war. Cry is making a specialty of the retail milk business and the success of the plant is due to careful thought and exact knowledge of the milk business. End ©TTPMMP2014 of jobs, from photographer to truck driver, she earned enough money to FLAVORED MILK IN SWEET PERSPECTIVE Dietary Guidelines For Americans pioneer female aviator Anita “Neta” Snook. Earhart immersed herself age providing the same nine essential nutrients as She read everything she ORIGINAL STORY 2011 -In addition to the 2005 DGA recommendations of 2 cups or equivalents of low-fat or fat-free milk daily for children aged 2 to 8 years and 3 cups for those aged 9 years and older, the DGA has also highlighted low-fat and fat-free milk and milk products as one of the “Food Groups to Encourage” since most Americans are not consuming enough of these foods and the nutrients they provide. The AAP recommends children consume 3 servings of dairy foods and adolescents consume 4 servings daily to meet calcium intake recommendations. Additionally, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the National Medical Association (NMA), the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) and the School Nutrition Association (SNA) all support and promote 3 daily servings of dairy foods among their members and the public. To help meet recommendations, many health professional organizations and nutrition experts recin helping children and adolescents meet their recommended daily intakes of dairy foods and dairy food nutrients such as calcium. End THE NEW MILKY SMOOTHIE MAKEOVER The West Coast of the U.S. began selling puréed originated in Brazil. Reviewed by: Meredith Parkinson, RD, LDN 2012 The name “smoothie” was used for a product made in a blender. Dan Titus, the director of The Juice and Smoothie Association, states in his book that “smoothies became popular in the middle 1960s, when there was a resurgence in the United States in macrobiotic vegetarianism.” Prep time: 5-10 minutes / Recipe makes: 3 servings Ingredients: 8 ounces low-fat yogurt 1 cup skim milk 1½ cups chopped mango 1 fresh peach, chopped 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Cut, Measure and Blend! 10 left in my system and I hope this trip is it.” She said to reporters formed regarding Earhart’s last days, many of which have been connected to various artifacts that have THE ADVENTURE BEGINS At a Long Beach air show in 1920, Amelia Earhart took a plane ride that transformed her life. It was only 10 minutes, but when she landed she knew she had to learn to AMELIA M. EARHART Landed the dedication of the El Paso Municipal airport. spent much of her time at her hair short, in the style of other women aviators. more experienced pilots might think of her, she even slept in her new leather jacket for three nights to give it a more “worn” look. SOUTHWEST C THE HRONICLE Early Career PERIOD “The woman who can create her own job is the woman THE ADVENTURE BEGINS In the summer of 1921, Earhart purchased a second-hand Kinner Airster biplane painted bright yellow. She nicknamed it “The Canary,” and set out to make a name for herself in aviation. On October plane to 14,000 feet—the world altitude record for female pilots. On May 15, 1923, Amelia Earhart became the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s license by the world governing body for aeronautics, The Federation Aeronautique. In 1925 she again enrolled in Columbia University, but was forced to abandon her studies due to limited teacher, then as a social worker. Earhart gradually got back into aviation in 1927, becoming a member of the American Aeronautical Society’s Boston chapter. READ OF OUR PAST AND FORWARD THE KNOWLEDGE.© who will win fame and fortune.” - AMELIA MARY EARHART globe from the equator. Quotes OF WISDOM AMELIA MARY EARHART “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” “Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture.” The Legacy CELEBRATED READ OF OUR PAST & FORWARD THE KNOWLEDG E©TTPMMP Amelia Earhart possessed a shy, charismatic appeal that belied her determination and ambition. distance and altitude world records. But beyond her accomplishments as a pilot, she also wanted to make a statement about the role and worth of women. She dedicated much of her life to prove that, like men, women could excel in their chosen professions, and that they could have equal value. This all contributed to her wide appeal and international celebrity.