Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 16

THE SOUTHWEST collegian MilkMag EXPLORE. DISCOVER. DREAM. Acts OF DELINQUENCY LABOR REFORM © “The images of death were seared deeply in their mind’s eye. They told stories of pain and terror.” TEACHING: THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRIMARY SOURCES 2014 The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire 1911 A Lesson Exploring Tragedy and Reform. Many of the regulations keeping us safe grew out of tragedy. By: Cheryl Lederle March 18, 2014 Cheryl is an Educational Resource Specialist at the Library of Congress, where she develops classroom materials and works with teachers to incorporate the Library’s digitized primary sources into highquality instruction. Before coming to the Library, Cheryl taught English and writing at the high school and community college levels. Most of us take safe w o r k i n g conditions for granted, but few of us reof the regulations keeping us safe grew out of tragedy. through the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City, killing 146 men and women, many of them recent immigrants. It was later discovered that the workers faced many obstacles as they tried A Chronicle A SYNOPSIS NOTORIOUS ANTI-WORKER POLICIES Owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, it was Acts OF DELINQUENCY LABOR REFORM on the corner of Greene Street and Washington Place, in Manhattan. Nearly all the workers were teenaged girls who did not speak English, working 12 hours a day, every day. Only one elevator was operational and there were two stairways down to the street, but one was locked from the outside to prevent stealing “They hired police as thugs to imprison the striking women, and paid off politicians to look the other way.” was so narrow that it would have taken hours to use. THE TRIANGLE Co. FIRE Hopeless SCREAMS THE SORROW BEGINS On March 25, a Saturday afternoon, there were 600 NEW YORK CITY March 25, 1911 workers at the factory rag bin. The manager hose to extinguish it, but was unsuccessful, as the hose was rotted and its valve was rusted shut. The young workers tried to exit the building by the elevator but it could hold only 12 people and the operator was able to make just four trips back and forth before it broke down amid the heat and The Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burned, killing 145 workers. It is sadly remembered as one of the most infamous incidents in American industrial history. The tragedy led to the development of a series of laws and regulations that better protected the safety of workers. SOUTHWEST C THE HRONICLE attempt to escape the waiting for the elevator plunged down the shaft to their deaths. This catastrophe, which led to a public outcry, prompted updates to labor laws and reforms to stairwells found a locked door at the bottom of the stairs, many were burned alive. velop an understanding of what happened. Primary sources can also help them understand how the event drove substantive legislative change. Stuand attempted rescues to construct a narrative of events. The New-York Tribune report from the day to gather information, develop an understanding of the context, and test hypotheses. Souls Lost DEATH THE HORRIFIC ENDING Those workers who were including the owners, escaped to the roof and then to adjoining Ask students to: 1. Scan the dateline and headline to establish what, when and where it happened. 2. Ask students to read the sub-heads and then write a hypothesis about the cause of the high death toll, supported with evidence. They may use the format “I think ___caused the deaths because the newspaper says ___.” 3. select one story from the page to read and analyze in depth, then jigsaw students. Groups may construct a time line of events, including factors contributing to the many deaths, and then spend a few minutes comparing their time lines to those of other groups. 4. his or her original hypothesis about the cause of the high death toll, perhaps as an exit card. They may use the format “I used to think __ caused the deaths, but now I think ___ because___.” Students may read the New-York Tribune article “Asch Building Fire Helps to Better Laws.” You to support your students’ work with this complex Other Printed Texts. End 14 - PRESS Within 18 minutes, it was all over. Forty-nine workers had burned to death or been suffocated by smoke, 36 were dead in the elevator shaft and 58 died from jumping to the sidewalks. With two more dying later workers union set up a march on April 5 on New York’s Fifth Avenue arrived, they witnessed a horrible scene. The girls who did not make it to the stairwells or the elevator were trapped by and began to jump from the windows to escape it. The bodies of the Acts OF DELINQUENCY LABOR REFORM “Employees were paid a mere $15 a week, despite working 12 hours a day, every day.” ders reached only seven In one case, a life net was unfurled to catch jumpers, but three girls jumped at the same time, ripping the net. owners had been neglijury failed to indict them on manslaughter charges. READ OF OUR PAST AND FORWARD THE KNOWLEDGE.© The Corruption THE TRIANGLE SHIRTWAIST READ OF OUR PAST & FORWARD THE KNOWLEDGE©TTPMMP Blanck and Harris had a suspicious history. The Triangle factory was twice scorched in 1902, while in 1907 and in 1910. It seems that Blanck and Harris deliberately torched their workplaces in order to coledy, as Blanck and Harris refused to install sprinkler systems and take other safety measures in case they needed to burn down their shops again.