Plantation West
◊ Bloomingdale Hills
◊ Lakeshore Preserve
◊ Glen Lakes Commercial
ta on West is an associa on with over 1500 homes in ◊ Starling Oaks
Gainesville and is part of Haile Planta on which spans ◊ Bridgehaven at Citrus
◊ Birchwood Preserve
◊ Legacy of Leesburg
◊ Haile Plantation West
When driving into the community, one feels as though ◊ High Vista
they have entered a picturesque small town. It is a very ◊ Stoneybrook Hills
◊ Wetherbee Lakes
are pleased that Haile Planta on West is now a part of ◊ Bannon Lakes
the Leland family and look forward to working with ◊ Westyn Bay
◊ Hawthorne Reserve
◊ Wyndham District
◊ Southern Ridge
◊ Timberwoods Condo
◊ Forest Ridge
◊ Townhomes of Bigtree
We would like to spotlight a community that joined the
Leland family at the beginning of the year. Haile Plan-
1700 acres. The community boasts 43 different neigh-
borhoods with their own styles. There are many amen-
i es for owners including plenty of walking trails and
playgrounds for the kids.
welcoming environment and feels far from the hustle
and bustle of the nearby University of Florida area. We
Heather Gambini, Valerie Kniffen, & April Kaiser received the Superstar
award for going above and beyond in their posi ons.
• Carla DeYorgi has been promoted to a Senior Community Associa on
• HR Director Tracey Clement has earned the posi on of the 2017 Chair for
the Employers Associa on Forum. In addi on Tracey serves as the
President for the Lifestream Founda on Board of Directors.
• Peter Marggraf was awarded Manager of the Year by Lennar.