Leland Insider Spring/Summer Edition Spring/ Summer Edition | Página 4

We are pleased to announce that our newest loca on is now open! Located within the downtown area of beau ful Haile Planta on West, our office is staffed and ready to assist owners. Come on in to meet CAM Nicole Arias, recep onist Kaytlan Forret and Senior CAM Carla De Yorgi. We look forward to serving you in our brand new loca on and con nuing to expand in order to provide great service to the communi es in the Gainesville area. You can find us at: 5220 SW 91st Terrace Gainesville, FL 32608 352-653-3450 2011 - 2016 Orlando Business Journal Best Places to Work _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We Want to Hear from You! Does your community have a story or photos of an event you would like to share? Send us your photos and stories to [email protected] and check us out on Facebook, Twi er, LinkedIn, and WordPress.