Leland Insider Spring/Summer Edition Spring/ Summer Edition | Page 2

Everyone at the games did a great job! Here are the 1st place winners. To see a list of all winners including 2nd and 3rd place and honorable men- ons, head to www.lelandlifestyles.com. Billiards Stonecrest—Dennis Crosskno & John Cerillo Bocce Lakes of Mt. Dora—Jean Croley, Jim Busko, Jim Murray, & Ron Eilersten Bowling High Score Female—Sharon Ericson (SummerGlen) High Score Male—Jim Parker (Summerglen) Team—SummerGlen: Jim & Sharon Ericson, Terry Goldman, John Dzirko, & Ron Herren Community pride! Golf Lakes of Mt. Dora—Henry Sur, Paul Komraus, John Walker, & Sco Bramer Photography President’s Award—Kings Ridge: Clarence Eisch Natural World—Marion Landing: Do e Charles Community Spirit—Legacy of Leesburg: Trevor Honey Buildings & Features—Spruce Creek: Denise S erle Residents gear up for the Leland Games Pickleball Tournament! Pickleball Flight 1—Spruce Creek: Bruce Cowling & Candy Lamb Flight 2—Legacy of Leesburg: Dave Henry & Antonio Soto Flight 3—Spruce Creek: Cyndi Pletch & Bernie Schyvinch Tennis Men’s Team—Kings Ridge: Bob Stang & Alec Danch Women’s Team—Summit Greens: Linda Bendar & Marcia Oltz Trivia Legacy of Leesburg—Rod Denslow, Jay Hickerson, Liz Rimer, Steve Treiberm, Elaine Dawson, & George Schroeder Overall Community Winner 1st—Spruce Creek 2nd—Legacy of Leesburg 3rd—SummerGlen Thank you all and we hope to see you again next year! President’s Award photo winner by Clarence Eisch at Kings Ridge!