Legacy Magazine One | Página 8

too fond of and how she learned quickly to compromise or to just simply ignore certain comments and actions. Many altercations happen between students and their roommates, because becoming adapt to some else’s living habits is not an easy task.

New Food

More college campuses are requiring that first-time college freshman purchase meal plans, but over time, the food becomes gruesomely repetitive. The requirement of meals NEW LIFE ON JAMES P: WERE YOU READY?

More college campuses are requiring that first-time college freshman purchase meal plans, but over time, the food becomes gruesomely repetitive. The requirement of meals plan should have helped with the intake of inexpensive, non-nutritional food, unfortunately this quest wasn’t so far conquered. First-time freshman, especially those who were use at least 2 food course meals a day have a difficult time being okay with eating certain foods and merely calling it a “meal” 3-mintue noodles, 5-mintue rice, and the traditional cold milk and cereal quickly become everyday life for the college freshmen.

New Rules

In college, new rules mean no rules. YOU’RE AN ADULT! Yes, there are student code of conduct rules that you must abide by, but they isn’t anyone telling you what time to be back in your room or telling you to start on your homework. You become your rule maker. Learning how to practice moderation in studying and social life can be a very difficult task, specifically to those who grew up in very strict and stern environments. After obtaining this new found freedom, most freshmen simply just cannot handle it and have trouble adjusting, but there are those few who have no problem at all amending. Practicing moderation between study and social life before college is extremely important.

When you were set to move away from college, were you ready? How has your life changed? How are you handling it? This is a question we should all sit down, really get into our feelings, and ask ourselves.


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