Leek Life July/August 2013 | Page 23


More cardiac screening sessions in memory of Chris

A SECOND round of specialist heart screening sessions will be taking place in Leek this September in memory of a local sportsman who died suddenly aged just 21 .
Former Leek High pupil Christopher Parr was a seemingly fit and healthy young man when he passed away unexpectedly in his sleep in July 2010 from a rare condition known as SADs ( Sudden Adult Death syndrome ).
Since Chris ' death his parents Martin and Dianne of Lancaster Avenue have channeled their grief into raising awareness of undiagnosed heart conditions , particularly in young people , and as a result of their work with the charity ( CRY ) Cardiac Risk in the Young , hundreds of 14 to 35 yearolds have already undergone electrocardiogram screening sessions .
Money from Christopher ' s funeral was used to fund the first two part screening session and thanks to the continued fundraising efforts of Martin and Dianne and many of Christopher ' s friends and family , the second event will again take place at Highfields , Leek Cricket Club ’ s ground where the popular sportsman ' s ashes were interred .
The simple and quick ECG test could save the lives of the twelve healthy young people that die each week in the UK from undiagnosed heart conditions which is why the charity CRY is urging local young men and women to take advantage of this opportunity to get screened particularly if they are engaged in sport .
A post-mortem on Chris , who was studying biochemistry at Aberdeen University , found that his heart was healthy and in perfect working order when he died , the day before he was due to go to on holiday with his girlfriend Philippa Hurst .
Chris ’ family ' s only wish is that more of these cases can be caught in the early stages and dealt with so that others may avoid losing loved ones as they have .
CRY ’ s Director of Screening Dr Steven Cox , explained : “ The death of a young person is heartbreaking and devastating for any family . At CRY , we would encourage all families to have their children screened for any underlying heart conditions . Twelve young people die every week in the UK and one in every 300 apparently fit and healthy young people have a serious underlying condition . Less serious cardiac abnormalities will be identified in 1 % of people , although not life threatening they can cause complications in later life if not identified and monitored . I would encourage people to get in touch with CRY and arrange to be screened .
“ It is essential that anyone with a condition knows about it . If they continue to participate in sport or take particular medication for example they could be putting their lives at risk . They may not show any symptoms or warning signs .
“ There is a simple way to identify most of these abnormalities - this is by having an ECG ( electrocardiogram ) test . The test is quick and painless . If necessary a further echocardiogram ( ultrasound scan of the heart ) can then be taken to provide further clarity .”
Dr Cox added : “ Screening needs to be extended to all young people . Everyone is potentially at risk from these conditions and the only accurate means of identifying them is through an electrocardiogram ( ECG ). Our screening events are a step in the right direction and will help raise the profile of these conditions .”
Any fit and healthy young person can book an appointment at this second ECG screening clinic taking place on 17th and 18th September at the Leek ' s Cricket Club , Highfield , accessed via the Macclesfield Road or for more information go to www . testmyheart . org . For more information on CRY or to watch a video of David Walliams being tested go to the CRY website www . c-ry . org . uk .
Leek Life July / August 2013 23